Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sharpie Tattoos

Not to sound like a killjoy, but I'm tired of hearing people talk about how much they want a tattoo, and then regretting it only hours later.
I came up with a method* to test whether you really want to get that southern cross tattoo on your face. The concept is simple enough - after looking through tattoo designs (or even designing your own) get a sharpie marker and draw exactly the same size and shape on the area you want your tattoo. Don't be shy with your marker! Show this to the people whose opinions matter most to you and get their feedback. If you still like the design after the marker has worn away and your PWOMMTY haven't persuaded you not to get it, only then should you think seriously about your tattoo.

*Note: I'm probably not the first person to actually think of this method, but it just seems like common sense.

Can't you just see this as one of those late night infomercials or Today Tonight reports? I think it's ideas like this that people read and label me as a killjoy. Perhaps I need some sleep.

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