Tuesday, February 26, 2013

University and other scary things

In less than a week I am starting my double degree in International Relations and Journalism. I can't help but feel this mixture of excitement and terror all at once. Part of me is going "yes, I get to meet new people with similar interests", and the other part of me is going "but Milly, you are terrified of social situations - what are you doing!?"

I am surprisingly ecstatic anticipating the start of university life. I like the idea of a clean slate and choosing subjects that suit me. I have the opportunity not to be the shy girl in the corner, and join social clubs and shape my life in the way I want to. This all sounds very romanticised, but apparently one week in and I'll be praying for the holidays to come sooner.

I've had a few hassles with enrolling (i.e. my SATAC application wasn't actually submitted for 2013 - oops) but it's all sorted now. I accidentally enrolled in Japanese 1A, which I just realised was designed for absolute beginners. I was almost tempted to stay in the class, but when I thought of "learning" hiragana and katakana again for a year I made the transition into 2A.

Which brings me to my subjects:
Principles of Journalism
Japanese 2A
Discovering Language, Culture and Society
Peace, War and International Politics

Never before have I been so pleased with a line-up of subjects.

I've been reading up on unilife and my mind has gone into overdrive - already I'm planning on enrolling in an Associate Language and Cultural Studies degree, signing up for the Global Experience Program and joining a small number of clubs. Maybe my laziness will fade over the next four years...?

I'm at the different campuses on Wednesday and Thursday for Gear Up (orientation music festival type thing) and my course introduction. I'm a university student. This is actually happening!

And now for the "other scary things"...

  • Tigger (my dog - expect a whole blog post about him later down the track) has problems with his eyes and is getting the final (hopefully) surgery he needs for his vision to be fixed. A specialist is performing the surgery, but I always worry anyway.
  • Willow (the family dog) is turning 13 this year and we're concerned that she's not going to make it through 2013. Considering the vet said she wouldn't live past 8 she's done alright for herself. She's still the greediest dog ever to have walked the planet though!
  • I need to get a proper job to support myself through university. My job at the chocolate shop is only seasonal so I can only rely on work over Easter and Christmas. I don't want to have to go back to the fast food industry, I'm still mentally recovering from it (literally).
  • My sister can legally drive on her own now. It's one thing that I'm on my full license, but having her on her provisionals? Wow, it's so strange not having to drive her everywhere anymore.
On a more positive note: my organ donor card came today. I was already listed as a donor on my driving license, but I just wanted to make extra sure. If I die tomorrow at least someone else may have the chance to live.

On that note, Ja mata!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mental Illness

Not my usual post, but I feel that this is an important issue to at least touch on. I may even share some of my experiences on here later down the track (or maybe not)...

I am so glad to see advertisements regarding the awareness of mental illness. Many people don't understand how it affects people who live with it and how it impacts those around them. As someone who lives with a mental illness, I find it to be such a relief to be able to discuss my issues with people who won't label me as attention seeking, or claim that my illness is any less real because there are no obvious physical symptoms. I think that community awareness brings us one step closer to helping those who do have a mental illness, and hopefully finding a long term solution.

For information on depression visit: beyondblue.org.au