Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Update on my integration back into Western society

Oh my goodness, Dad just came home to change his jacket. When questioned about where he was heading he replied "I'm going to the Royal Society for the Blind, so I don't have to get too dressed up". I've missed moments like this.

Anyway, in recent "news" I've been trying to apply for jobs - after working in the fast food industry for two and a half years I've rather had enough. I've found some jobs that I think I'd really enjoy, but there are a few problems...
1. I haven't actually saved my resume onto my hard drive, and the computer that I took to India (which has the edited fancy pants version) is on strike and has taken my resume hostage. 
2. I decided it would be a rather fantastic idea to get some henna designs on my hands before I left India. I thought I was being incredibly witty when I posted my latest facebook status: 
"Still have henna on my hands, so until it wears off I shall be handing out my job applications with gloves on... This isn't trickery, this is business."
I am also having so much trouble getting back into a healthy sleeping pattern. My body clock is still four hours behind Adelaide time, so I wake up at 10am and go back to sleep because I think it's 6am! Even if I get up, I'm tired for a long period of time, but I won't go to sleep until 4 or 5am come "bed time". 

My 1998 Subaru Forester has gone (my parents sold it when I was in India), and has been replaced with a 2008 Toyota Yaris, which has yet to be christened. Feel free to submit any names! 
I love my new car, but I think that perhaps I'll save my rant/bragging rights for a Yaris appreciation post in the near future.

If you read through this entire post then I congratulate you, and possibly question your avid interest in my life. Read a book or go outside (actually don't, it's freezing). 
I've got four books I'm making my way through. If you're genuinely interested, have a look at my goodreads account :)

**Happy birthday to Simone, who turns 12 today.** 

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